
We are Uryu. We explore the universe in the hopes to find species that are worthy of our respect. Species that we may have a long story to share with in the coming centuries. But… This is only possible if your species thrives as a community, if you manage to work together towards common goals, leaving aside your individual purposes. We will invade your planet on June 19th 2028 of your calendar. If, by then, you have proven to be a trustworthy ally, we will come together as one powerful alliance and thrive in the centuries to come. If you don’t meet our goals, we will have no mercy.

We are Uryu… Are you?

How to play

This is a social game. Each week, the entire community will have a target score, indicated in the bottom left box. Each participant will select an image from the eight available and transmit it by pressing the central button. Once this is done, the election cannot be changed until the following week. The community score will be the frequency of the most chosen image. That is, the number of times the most transmitted image has been transmitted will be compared to the weekly goal. If the goal has been equaled or surpassed, the next week's goal will be the same goal multiplied by a factor proportional to the weeks remaining until the end of the game. This way, the game can always be completed, but the fewer weekly objectives that have been met, the more the objectives will grow from week to week. You are encouraged to use any kind of platform (messaging, social networks…) to establish or follow tendencies.

The final goal of the game can be met before the end date, as the increase factor is calculated towards 550,000, instead of the actual final goal, which is 500,000.

Tags and scores:

Based on the way you play, you will be assigned a prophecy score (PS) and a tag. To do this, we first check your eagerness (the proportion of players that transmit after you do) and your affinity (the percentage of players that transmitted the same image). Your prophecy score is your affinity score multiplied by your eagerness score. For example, if you vote faster than 50% of the players and 50% of the players transmit the same image you transmitted, your PS will be 50% x 50% = 25%.

Tags will also be based on your eagerness and affinity. You will be assigned one of the following based on you average eagerness and affinity:

Prophet: High eagerness and high affinity. You transmit fast and predict or create tendencies.

Rebel: High eagerness, low affinity. You are probably trying to create new tendencies but you don’t have enough followers. Yet.

Scientist: Low eagerness, high affinity. You are probably waiting for tendencies to be established and then transmitting accordingly.

Outcast: Low eagerness, low affinity. You are voting late and not following any tendencies. You are probably not engaging or just voting against the rest of the community.